by The Monarch System
I read recently, of all places in a Jack Reacher novel, that “ninety per cent of asking questions is about listening to answers.” It’s true for all manner of communication and dialogue from teaching to detective work and certainly through to motivational interviewing....
by The Monarch System
This blog is a bit unusual in that we want to use an example from a series of presentations called, “Cancer Care Talks: Strategies to Empower Your Wellness.” The talk is entitled, Survivorship: How do You Want it to Be? and the reason we want to highlight it is...
by The Monarch System
Business models contain compelling indicators for building personal commitment to change and the applicability of these models to health behaviour change is very appropriate. Click here, for example, to see one graphic representation of a business model depicting the...
by The Monarch System
A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, the young woman, Steph sees her neighbor hang her wash outside.That laundry is not very clean, said Steph, she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs...