Monarch Level 1 Workshop on MI & Coaching Tools for Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program Professionals ~ March 6 & 13 2025 {viaZoom}

This introductory, two half-day workshop sessions provide a meaningful overview of MI using the Monarch System’s unique approach which integrates Motivational Interviewing (MI) with other impactful behaviour change practices such as coaching methods and key elements of behaviour change theories/applications. This event is sponsored by the Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program and is restricted to health professionals in that Program. Over the two days, we will explore and help you to acquire applied techniques to use with your clients in your day-to-day practice. You will learn how to build motivation and transition that enhanced motivation into a strengthened and real commitment to healthier behaviours. We will teach you different ways to use such elements as reflective listening at 3 levels, presence, competence views, compelling questions, eliciting change talk, tagging values onto desired behaviour changes, and moving with apparent-resistance in service of your patients’ needs for long- term goal setting and commitment to change. For registration information, please visit this link. For more information about the workshop see this flyer and for additional information about our workshops, please visit