by The Monarch System
There is an adage that says, practice makes perfect. And that saying is both overstated and over-simplified. Renowned American football coach, Vince Lombardi refined this platitude to, “perfect practice makes perfect.” In terms of human behaviour and human...
by The Monarch System
Very likely, most health care professionals support the concept, observation, and use of evidence-based practice (EBP). Technically, EBP means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research....
by The Monarch System
In a previous blog (click here), we have addressed the importance of empathy when adopting a Motivational Interviewing (MI) spirit or attitude. More and more we have become convinced that using MI is less about doing, and more about being. That is, MI has conventions,...
by The Monarch System
There is an adage that suggests, “your life does not get better by chance…it gets better by change.” In the health-caring professions, practitioners are very likely drawn to their professions by their care for humanity and health. Often, that caring...
by The Monarch System
In one School of professional coaching training, the Coaches Training Institute, one of the cornerstones of their co-active model of coaching is cogently phrased; the model holds that every person or client or person being coached/interviewed is Naturally Creative,...