by The Monarch System
Our next Level 1 workshop will be our Motivational Interviewing for Health Practitioners (Level 1, 2-day Intensive) on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March, 2015. It will be held at the Kingbridge Conference Centre and Institute 12750 Jane Street, King City. Click here...
by The Monarch System
Almost by chance, I happened upon a fascinating video done by Dr Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston. She is a best-selling author, speaker and research professor who has spent the past decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and...
by The Monarch System
Part of the art of working with people and motivating them, or even better, stimulating their own motivation toward a change or changes in health behaviour/s is breaking down apparent barriers and resistance to change. We are all self-conditioned to envelop ourselves...
by The Monarch System
In the new, 3rd edition of their book Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change (Guilford, 2012), authors and MI architects, Miller and Rollnick provide a refreshing explanation and discussion about this powerful approach to facilitating change. The book is...
by The Monarch System
I read recently, of all places in a Jack Reacher novel, that “ninety per cent of asking questions is about listening to answers.” It’s true for all manner of communication and dialogue from teaching to detective work and certainly through to motivational interviewing....